Saturday, January 23, 2010

First Few Days in Spain!!!! Que Bonita!

Hola! Today is the first day that I have been able to find an internet café…my host family does not have internet, so unless I am at the University or at an internet café I am out of touch with the online world. Hopefully I will be able to update this blog at least once a week because I love going into the café’s, ordering a café con leche and checking emails and skype while watching the beautiful city outside of the window. It is weird typing in English because right now I am in Spanish survival mode and have literally started thinking in Spanish (although I cannot properly converse yet). My host family is wonderful. Ana and Antonio are a sweet retired couple and a very interesting to listen to…(hopefully listening will convert into full on conversations soon, but for now I just keep saying si, si, vale!) I share a modest yet cozy room with Courtney, another ASA student from Clemson. She is great and it is nice to have someone to speak English to occasionally and walk around the city with. Our group here in Sevilla only consists of 9 students, but will grow once the ASA students that are going to the Universidad de Sevilla arrive next week. We all get along very well and after planned tours and gatherings, make our own plans and hang out together.

Unfortunately, two nights ago I got some sort of stomach bug that kept me inside in bed most of yesterday. Luckily, our site director’s husband is a pharmacist and I was able to get the medicine I needed. This morning I woke up very hungry because I hadn’t really eaten in more than 24 hours, but thankfully my stomach is fine. I am just taking it easy trying to get all of my strength back.

It is raining here today, but Courtney and I still walked around Los Remedios (the name of our neighborhood) and went window shopping and picked up some things from the perfumeria (like a CVS). After lunch at 2:30, we meet up with some people from our group and went to some awesome museums around the Plaza de España.

The pictures are from my first night in Sevilla walking by the river at 10pm, the tour with our director around the center of Sevilla the next day, and a few pictures from our room. Enjoy!

View from outside my window:

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